Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lockdown is a rare opportunity to eradicate sexually transmitted diseases

 Self-isolation has led to major changes in people's sex lives, but experts believe that because of the lack of relationships with new sexual partners these days, it is a sexually transmitted disease. Reducing STI permanently is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
He says getting an STI test during a lockdown at home can be a 'game-changer', as people who are following the lockdown rules are not having sex with more than one person and thus become infected. Not even spreading.
Dr. John Maxwell, president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV told Radio 1 Newsbeat: "If we all test and treat infections, it will be a game-changer to move forward as people slowly return to normal. Are moving towards.
He and other sexual health professionals want people to be tested now, even if they have no symptoms.
Why test now?
The coronavirus has shut down 54% of sexual health services in the UK, and 38% of sexual health workers have been sent to other parts of the National Health Service.
This means that some people are getting advice on these diseases over the phone instead of going to the clinic, the diagnosis is being made here and in some cases the treatment is being done over the phone.
Justin Harbolt, of SH24, an organization that provides free home testing kits via the Internet, says: "If people start testing at home and everyone gets tested during this break, it's real life. There will be a one-time event. I don't think you have had a clean opportunity at the beginning of the HIV epidemic were, collectively, as a population, people have stopped having sex with new partners.
How HIV rates can be affected
It is more likely that someone can transmit the HIV virus when they have just been infected, as it is the most abundant virus in the body.
A positive HIV diagnosis during a lockdown means that it is more likely that a person will not have sex with other people during their most infected period. They can then begin treatment to bring the virus level in their body to a point where it is no longer visible, meaning it can no longer be transmitted to others.
Dr. Gary Whitlock, of London's Dean Street Clinic, where a quarter of UK homosexuals are diagnosed with HIV, says: 'We think there may be fewer people who are older. I am spreading disease on a large scale.

"If they start treatment, or become non-communicable, they can't transmit to anyone, so it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to be at high risk for HIV." Individuals should be tested.
The average number of people coming to Dean Street Clinic for a prescription for PEP (a drug that is taken immediately after contact with an HIV-infected person to prevent infection) during a lockdown is more than 50 a week. It has come down to less than 10.
STIs diagnosed during lockdown still need to be treated by specialists. Only chlamydia (an inflammatory disease of the urinary tract) can be treated with postal medication.
Dr. Maxorley hopes that there is an opportunity to limit diseases like syphilis to the history books.
"Earlier this year, syphilis reached a level we hadn't seen since World War II."
He believes that online help will also help people who live away from sexual health clinics, or those who have been too busy before and have not been able to get time from a doctor.
Although Dr. Whitlock believes that home testing can improve NHS services to some extent, he is also wary of taking services out of the clinic for some people.
The problem with home testing is that you may miss out on more testing. One of the concerns about gonorrhea, for example, is that it is resistant.
'Many of the services we offer are when people come to us, such as risk reduction advice, face-to-face counseling, and we need to make sure that when we are moving in that direction. So don't forget it.

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